“We strategized. We were smart. We negotiated.”

Gita Sen on the power of the inside-outside strategy of feminist activists during the Conference Decade

By the early 1990s, activists had come a long way in navigating the world of the UN. From the Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi in 1985, where almost every session that DAWN organized was standing room only, to the many conferences of the early 1990s—feminist political economist and DAWN co-founder Gita Sen was there, watching the strategy unfold. Listen to Sen reflect on engaging with the UN while staying true to grassroots activism.

Learn more about the UN conferences of the early 1990s.

“We came together to resolve differences among ourselves to be able to put forward a unified agenda.”

—Gita Sen, Founder-Member, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)


Inside the “Peace Tent”


“It was the birthplace of global feminism”